Saturday, February 19, 2011

#50: Get back into regular acting class

Going back to a regular acting class is something I had been wanting to do, but fought with myself over for a variety of reasons. I got my Bachelor's in Theatre Performance... went to a performing arts high school... the "Training" portion of my resume is a mile long and yet, I'm still always searching for a class or somewhere to hone my abilities. Problem is, when the funds get tight, the first thing to go is usually the extra cariculars (I mean, we got to eat, don't we?). My first year in L.A. was rough. I didn't know anyone in "the business". I had no film and/or television credits (and still don't). And I didn't have the funds to keep up on a regular basis with any sort of acting class. On top of that, I was getting frustrated with myself that I didn't have the kind of confidence in my own ability to not need a class to go back to for that continual support/reassurance.

But then I took Larry Moss's acting workshop in December. It changed my life. If every acting class I had ever taken had been of this caliber, I would never have doubted my need/natural draw to be in a classroom environment. I realized that, even in a classroom, I have this unneccessary pressure to perform. I don't allow myself the room to learn... to grow... to be there for no one else but myself. To be honest with where I am at any given moment, to use what I have at any given moment, and to not worry about the judgement of my peers or even the teacher. But most importantly, to turn off the judgement I put on myself. It's important for me to have someplace safe and consistant to return to, because as Larry says, "It's from the work that you get your fulfillment. Do the work, and the rest will come".

So I'm back to doing the work. I still need help with the "business" side of things, but the best place to find like minded people to help you with your own journey are the ones who are paving the way alongside you.

#13: Adopt a Puppy!

I got a dog! And not just any dog, but a PUG! For those of you that know me, I have wanted a pug for forever... but I also knew I wanted to adopt and pugs are very rarely up for adoption. I've gone to the shelter probably a dozen times over the past year and never once have I seen a pug, let alone a young one.

Enter Lucy: a 1 year old female puglet who my good friend, Topher, told me was looking for a good home. A home that I wasn't really prepared to offer, but how could I say no? I had just lost my grandfather to cancer, and if ever I was in need of a friendly, love-able pooch, it was now. We've been inseparable ever since. <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#4: Swim with Dolphins

Took a trip to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico with Josh's family in August. Spent 9 days enjoying the ocean, the sites, and all the cheese enchilladas a girl could handle (my favorite!). No really, I ate non-stop. But what was the highlight? Getting to cross this one off my list! Got to hang with Flipper's distant cousins for an afternoon.